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(245 Reviews)

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Location & Hours

528 Sauchiehall St
Glasgow, G2 3LW
7:00 PM - 3:00 AM
7:00 PM - 3:00 AM
7:00 PM - 3:00 AM
7:00 PM - 3:00 AM
6:00 PM - 3:00 AM
3:00 PM - 3:00 AM
7:00 PM - 3:00 AM

Recent Reviews

Apr 2024
Attended this venue on 02/01/2024 due to prior concerns upon consultation with associates that my friends inside the venue were potentially unsafe, the bouncers at the door white male ‘Andy’ and unidentified black female utilised unjustifiably physical force in the public area upon me not consenting to aforementioned engagement. Andy advised this was all recorded and therefore under The Data Protection Act 2018 a subject access request (SAR) will be made to obtain the footage and report this as an SIA badge violation and additionally a breach of the licensed premises act. I am a solicitor and I can undoubtedly say these SIA licensed stewards utilised illegal force and committed assault with intent to remove me from a public area after I cooperatively left the licensed premises. Police Scotland will be contacted to address the aforementioned concerns.
Mar 2024
The security guy at the door was very rude and non polite (medium size, ginger hair and beard). Honestly rude for no reason with us, haughty attitude and even threatening. Will not go again and wouldn't recommend it.
Mar 2024
Bought drinks and was kicked out before we even got to drink them because I've got a wanted poster in there haha, I've gave it chance after chance and I will happily not be returning yous owe me 2 drinks
Feb 2024
Je suis venu pour une évènement bachata le samedi 4 février. Je suis sorti prendre l’air 15 minutes à l’extérieur puis au moment de revenir à 1h du matin, les deux videurs m’ont refusé l’accès alors que j’avais toujours le bracelet de la soirée au poignet. Ils n’ont pas été compréhensif et ont abusé de leur pouvoir. Ce n’est pas juste, ils ont été exécrables et ont gâché ma soirée. Je ne recommanderais cet endroit pour rien au monde.
Feb 2024
Nous sommes venus pour la soirée bachata/salsa/kizomba au premier étage et nous avons payé l'entrée. On nous a mis un bracelet au bras. La soirée s'est très bien passée. Ensuite, nous sommes sortis 20 minutes et puis nous sommes revenus avec le bracelet. Le videur roux nous a refusé l'entrée de manière sèche et sans donner de raison. Quand nous avons parlé à son acolyte, il nous a dit qu'il n'avait pas de raison à donner et qu'il ne changerait pas d'avis. Nous sommes très déçus car les videurs nous ont gâché la soirée. Les videurs sont vraiment exécrables et agressifs.
Feb 2024
Bonjour, Nous sommes arriver au Campus en n’ayant pas bu une goutte d’alcool, cependant, les vigiles nous ont recaler en disant que nous avions une tête fatigué, cela n’est pas normal de ne pas profiter d’une soirée à Glasgow ! À éviter
Dec 2023
Around 6 months ago, I tried to gain entry into Campus. I found one of the bouncers (had red hair) extremely rude. I was not allowed to enter the premises myself, despite the fact I had friends already in the premises. I was told that I had to get one of my friends to come outside and meet me, and then justify to the bouncers that they knew me. I understand that if these are the rules for entry into nightclubs or perhaps specifically Campus then that’s fair enough. I tried phoning my pals and got no response as the music was too loud, showed texts from my pals to the bouncers to prove they were in Campus. My pals eventually responded to their phone but couldn’t hear me speak, and to prove they were in campus, I allowed the bouncer in question to hear the noise coming from the other end of the phone. This noise was an echo of the music playing in campus (that myself and the bouncer in question could very clearly hear), therefore there was absolutely no doubt that my friends were in campus at that time. However, instead of being sympathetic towards my situation and listening to my concerns (which I thought were reasonable), the bouncer responded to this by being extremely rude and said “I don’t think you heard me clearly enough”. I could see one of my friends in the distance and asked if he could approach them and ask them to come over and identify me. However this was met with a resounding no too (clearly seemed he was trying his absolute hardest to leave me outside myself for the rest of the night). I hadn’t drank a lot prior to this, I can remember it clearly (and it was around 6 months ago!). I was not acting in a drunken and disorderly manner, even after he was being extremely rude to me. I was actually being overly polite as I can sympathise that being a bouncer on a Saturday night may be a difficult job at times. However, it seemed that being nice to him seemed to make him even more aggressive and condescending. Eventually my pals came to the door, and was allowed in. Even at this point when my pals clearly identified who I was, it seemed this particular bouncer was trying everything in his power to not let me in. He asked my pals several times if they knew who I was, which I felt was completely unnecessary, and it seemed he begrudgingly let me in. I can honestly say there was no reason for him to act in that way based on my actions, he was trying to act the hard man for no reason other than to appear powerful, which I think is a very bad look for your bar. Bearing in mind, there was no capacity issue and there wasn’t any queue behind me so I was hardly holding up any of his or any potential customers’ time. Don’t even bother trying to get in here unless you want to put up a major fight for entry. Put a real dampener on what could have been a great night out, so thanks very much. Your bouncer’s complete arrogance has lost you a few customers
Nov 2023
Kid-friendliness: Dzieciaki maja frajdę przy deserach rzecz jasna , i fontannie czekoladowej Wheelchair accessibility: Wjazd bezproblemowy żadnych schodów itp
Oct 2023
Well, I don’t know how to start… turn It was absolutely horrible…they literally ruined our nigh…Such a nightmare... There was a game on that night and we just got it wrong with another game... We thought we should tell them the singer’s name but apparently their game was different with what we were thinking and then suddenly the pub manager came to us and shouted so badly that I’ll kick you out if you shout more… without any error and that was absolutely shocking and super disrespectful. I couldn’t believe someone may do such a behaviour in a pub let alone a manager of a pub or a club. She was so nasty and racist; I wish I could see the area manager to report such a behaviour and I think I wanna follow it up even. And to my surprise when we talked, and I asked the reason of her behaviour she even didn’t bother to ask apologise and rudely told us I’ I’ll kick you out if you keep talking and I can’t believe someone can be as much rude and disrespectful as this. I even tried to explain to her that I didn’t know how the game works but she kept being so nasty. She even asked the bar not to sell us any alcohol although we were not even close to being drunk; and she didn’t let my 20 year old brother to come in the club… I think it takes a while to forget such a horrible experience; that is why I came here to write a review to avoid it happening for the others… The only thing is that I know is that I’ll never go back to this club and I wanted to make sure to inform the others to know how miserable you may feel at the end of the night if you go there. I was there at 9:30 on 8th of October 2023 and they can check the camera and see how nasty she behaved with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Campus' rating?
Campus is rated an average of 3.3/5 stars across various online platforms.

+44 141 332 3994

528 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow, G2 3LW